Pitch Blog
Pitch A: A girl with a friend turns out the friend is imaginary.
Pitch B: Slumber party between girls turns to a killing.... or a suicide?
Discuss Pitch A: We like this film idea because we would add a plot twist. This was a cool idea and we all thought it would be a nice twist. The problem is we would have to edit the person out the shot to make it work. We are confident in our editing skills so we feel as if the idea will be executed well. The plus is it will involve less people so we can work quicker.
Discuss Pitch B: We like the this film idea as well because it would be able to incorporate each of our members in different ways. The ending would be a nice twist because we would kill off one of the people and it wouldn't be revealed until the very end. The problem is that we would have to continuously create suspense within the film without the watcher figuring out the ending. A set back of this film of doing a slumber party is that we would need to incorporate enough people to make it similar to a mystery but horror/thriller.
Our final decision: Slumber party between the girls because it will be fun to film as well as interesting to watch.

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