Filming Blog: What about here?

   Hi everyone! It’s Natalie, and today I will be discussing the locations and times of where I would like and believe is good to film. Now to begin with we know that most if not all will be filmed at my house. At different times of the day. So I will need my actresses to be available at similar times. So options are that I can film with the actresses in pairs in times of the days when I need them. Or we all can find a day we can come together for the day and shoot it in one shot. Which can be a little complex when we get to that point cause of everyone's schedule but I feel and hope that there'll be a mutual time we can film. And thankfully my house is in a location where is is manageable for everyone to drive too. With the setting being in a library which as well I have close and near me. Which can help us get situated. With that being said I will be able to fix up times where tills work. With speaking of actresses I have now came up with a more in depth material in regard of their characters persona. Which of the characters Luna, Veronica and Robin, having complete different ones. So the actresses as well will have more to understand of their characters when given the material that explains it better. Have also made a note type of annotation of the script where I can know the sounds and specific camera angles I want to incorporate pate in the scenes. As I feel some scenes just have some obvious kinds of camera styles that will look good if incorporated. With that all being said that’s all for right now. Thanks for listening in till next time! Helen B. Hoffman Plantation Library


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