CCR Blog - MV

  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

The product challenges, the convictions, by having different kinds of scenes, and a storyline specifically is following the meaning of the song. This helps represent the social groups and issues by seeing how the characters in the music video portrayed, a specific kind of social group. And as we can see the issue revolving around, the whole song is the lesson of distrust and how that can lead into a sort of backstabbing heartbreak. And with that we can see the issues of robbery and felony and that is self is already a social issue that relates to host of a group. But throughout the entire video, we can see a clear demonstration of both social groups in the issues that come with it because of the specific storyline it has that leads towards the whole music video. And the song itself is very lyrical. As in helping it explain the situation the artist wants to portray. So with that in itself, it gives a whole different view of what the issue really is.

  1. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

With that being said, the product gives a very engaging grasp on the audience due to how our product is very influential in the song. As meeting how the song in the video, go ahead and hand, and really do try to explain the story. With as well as the actors in the music video, giving a very in-depth emotional perspective on what the characters of the music video wanted to convey the audience that they truly felt that way. When it came to it being real media text this would be distributed as of how it has a very storytelling, feel and a very descriptive complex. So that way we can really see what it’s about. The song itself is consisting of dealing with the artists’s personal life, but they take it in a very figurative way to make the song have a more in-depth and universal feel. Which is heartbreak and realizing that there’s sometimes oh he’s a bad guy or person in the relationship that paints you out to be someone you’re not and make some of the victim. And we can see that through our product helps that story come to life.

  1. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

Throughout the project’s process I can see that my production skills have truly excelled in what they first were. I said how throughout the whole production of filming this project I had to have a much more deeper understanding of why props, costumes, make up, etc. Are so important in this because of how much detail really matters to help get the point across that you want the audience to see. And what you want them to grasp throughout the entire experience. And those in many more subjects, help portray that emotion that you want the audience to feel both physically and mentally. So with that all my skills have truly increased, because of the detail that I have learned to actually learn and use it in what I want the projects and various parts of the future to display and help the audience have a true emotional and personal connection to the project. 

  1. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

In this project specifically there were a lot of things I had to learn coming from the whole technological perspective. With that being said, I have never been the best when it came to managing things online and with this video you have to have some kind of grasp or understanding of how things specifically work. As in editing is a major major aspect of getting the project how we want it to be seen in kind of when you wanted to. You need to match up the lyrics with the specific parts of scenes that you took and you have to add the music on the right queue. And you have to learn how to control the volume of a specific parts of the songs, and even having to learn how to put subtitles and mu part of the song in order to have a type of dialogue between the two characters while the song was playing. There were a lot of aspects of the technological perspective that I was happily and very intrigued into learning because I thought it was a very important perspective and I’m glad I did learn how to use it because that way I put the different aspects of perspectives in there to give the video what I want it to really look like, and give the story of what I feel like I should’ve been.


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