Storyboard for my Music Video

Hi everyone, this is the story board for the upcoming music video my group and I will partake in creating.The scenes start as two people shown a women and man in a motel bar that seem to be in true love. And continuing on while  the women will be seen using her phone and receiving a message, in which will pop on the screen as she later scurries to the bathroom. The music stops as she's walking out instead of using the bathroom, she uses an "old phone" and tells the person on the other end that "he's in here". After that the music continues and the screen slowly fades to a flashback. In the flashback we can see the original guy at a restaurant with another women. While the women is in the corner of the booth hiding in plain sight seeing it all unfold. 
Then we are at the jump back to the original present time the music video takes place in, we see the women jump into a car and turning on the radio. There's a pan shot of her driving off to to the distance. While back at the bar the cops have pulled up and are walking in towards her "boyfriend". The cops arrest him and he begins to struggle and resist. Kicking shoving and pushing but, later than gives up and the cops taking him captive. While the boyfriend is walking out he has handcuffs we see a wide shot of everyone starring as he is getting put away in the cop car. Later then cuts to the women in the car singing the song and all the money barg all over will some free cash dangling all around. And scene.


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