Production Blog: So what's next?

   Hi everyone, it's Natalie! So, to start off from the last blog my group and we have come to some end decisions for the scenes and script with my group. For the dialogue we have decided to only incorporate pausing the video for the main girl to have a conversation with the police. It will maybe only take about 15-20 seconds as she'll just say " he's here" and we continue the song from there. And from there the police officer will exit her boyfriend to take him to jail and the scene ends from there. Now the were able to come to terms for the ending scene we will want to use. Being that right after the police seen we will have the main character be driving in a car lip-syncing the song matching the lyrics. That are basically all following the storyline the song saying that she has finally left her boyfriend and it now driving away in the getaway car and will leave him for good. The main character will be singing it will a lot of emotion as well so we can really get the feeling that she if finally free. And with that we are ready with our scenes and scripts! So, now my group and I will start to practice and prepare to film. We are thinking of filming at this location called the Alchemist, it is an outdoor coffee shop where there are outworks on concrete walls we think would be a nice place to film and it has a very pretty outdoor area we can use as the restaurant And as of right now that will be the only location as well as the one car scene. But, when we start filing there may be another location we might use as well if things were to not go to plan. We will just have to wait and see. But, thats all for now, talk to you guys soon!

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