Production Blog: How's the group work?

  Hi everyone, it's Natalie! Now here we are and we are becoming more and more focused on the surrounding factors about the script. Like the specific little things we want to incorporate in the music video for a little bit of dialogue. We were thinking of maybe incorporating a voice over for small sections of the music video so we can create a more in-depth story line for the music video. Also making plans of the specific actions we want to incorporate in the music video. Like which way we want to place the characters where we will be filming to make a more detailed set. As well as the arrest scene, we want to figure out how we can use what we have to make the scene more realistic. As we already know we are going to incorporate a short dialogue scene beforehand as the main character is going to have a "conversation" with the police. Though we are not sure how we are going to write up that scene to execute the frustration that the main girl is feeling on the call by extending the dialogue or just letting the song continue over. And with deciding on that we can further out the execution for the final scene of the music video. Right now we came up with the idea that we would like the main character to be driving away while singing the song. As the whole point throughout the music video is to demonstrate the song's story throughout the video. But, at the same I was thinking of incorporating a flashback scene. As it would be a unique thing to do and can be a cool feature. But, I think that's all for now, hopefully we get some answers soon and start the filming process as well. Till next time!

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