Intro Blog: Music Video

 Hi, my name is Natalie Obando. I am a student at Fort Lauderdale High and I'm currently in the 11th grade. I am so excited to be working on the music video and working with my group. And as of right now I can say in my life I am at the point where I have come to love and enjoy everything my life has to offer. I am a firm believer in that  everything happens for a reason. And though there has most DEFINITELY been moments where I feel as if some things did not need to happen. They still did and they helped shape me into the person I am today. But, besides that I can say I'm a really big advocate for nature and marine life as those are things I truly find fascinating. So I am very careful and interested about our world. There are so many little things that are just so interesting. I'm shocked to know how everything works. Talking about marine life leads to me and my love for the Ocean. Originally being from Miami and growing up in California I developed a strong love for the ocean. Being in California for the some of my childhood I developed a love for surfing and now in Florida I help teach how to little kids. I can say that overall I am a very passionate person about the things I love and take care of them well. Friendships to me are something I am very passionate about, I feel like they're one of the most important things to have in life. And me personally I feel like I'd be lost without some of the friendships I have gained over the year. Which can lead me into some things I dislike. Like when it comes to friendship I hate when it's not like a two way relationship and one person has to be constantly doing more than the other. I also dislike when people think they're so superior towards other people and I just find that to be very gross. Another thing I most definitely find gross too is roaches and rats. Them and alligators are like my biggest fears. But throughout all everything about me I can say I consider myself a pretty nice and interesting person that isn't afraid to try anything. As I would love to explore and go around the world when I'm older and learn and gain knowledge from all over the world. That would be one of my dreams, learning about and learning to love exotic beautiful things all over the world and connect with as many people as I can in my lifetime because I feel as if that is such a beautiful thing. 

                   NEW YORK 🖤 dark aesthetic 🖤 | Gallery posted by Lain Hanley | Lemon8


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