Production Blog

Hey everyone. it's Natalie. In today's blog I will be discussing the process I have undergone through when gathering the videos and photos. As well as adding on the song using the editing tool CapCut. While figuring out how to use this editing tool, this is my first time doing something like this. I am not one to say that I am the best person when it comes to technology but, I am getting a little better. Especially with having to use this tool in order to process all the media I have. As of last time I was looking for childhood videos and photos and within looking for them all I have finally found a significant amount that is perfect to use for my commercial. And towards my music choice I have changed the song. Though I am still not 100 percent sure I feel like the one I picked now is better. Before my idea was to choose was Island on the sun.But, I felt as if it was to mixed with the sort of vibes it provided throughout the song. So instead now I am going with  Once Upon a Dream By- Lana Del Ray. This song does hold a lot of meaning for me especially in my childhood. As my mom and I loved to sing it whenever we were in the car more like blasting it all the time and screaming he lyrics with our obviously incredible voices. Its my small little part of my dad in the video that means a lot but, as I am editing around the song right now let's see how it all plays out. Thanks for listening. Till next time!

                                      Once Upon a Dream - song and lyrics by Lana Del Rey | Spotify



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