Who's going to edit?!
For the editing of this project, Nijah is conducting it. All the group members explained their ideas of how they'd like the video to look. Nijah hopes she can execute everything they want to include to make it a perfect thriller/horror film. The shots that they took during filming were perfect to edit and make smooth transitions between the different scenes. While filming, the group also recorded diegetic sounds that would be edited into the film to create a more eerie sense. Such as a creaking door, or a loud bang on the floor. These sounds contribute to a perfect film. The group discussed the atmosphere they wanted to create, and Nijah was determined to bring those ideas to life through editing. Nijah carefully selected each shot to ensure that the pacing of the film remained intense and suspenseful. Every transition between scenes was carefully planned, with the goal of maintaining tension throughout. The diegetic sounds added an extra layer of realism, pulling the audience int...