Short film research: Good Intentions/thriller

 The short video starts with an ominous music, the transition to an abrupt stop to a crashing sound. (shows a shift in the scene through sound).  Then transfer to the car scene we hear diegetic sound originating from the car with the driver cutting it off, and still some ominous music playing (as well as sounds of the car drifting off/ shows urgent-ness of the driver to get out of the situation) The music is eerie and more intense in the grocery/ corner store when she sees the man that she hit (the music dramatizes her feeling of shock and fear of him recognizing her).  Through the short film the music gets dark and more intense, in following scene the TV plays sounds of sirens and someone getting arrested/ shot at. (Building to her own intense complication)  

 The darkening music then transition to the man in the car burning adds to the characters guilt/ not only is the man burning in the car but he glares at her.   

    •    Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS) in your genre;  the lighting in the film has a purple heugh with fogginess, the short film is clay animation.   In the following scene we can still see the Girl who caused the accident with a bloody forehead (adds to the damage to not only the other person but herself as well)   I would character the dog barking at the character as a prop necessary for the film or even a character that demonstrates the characters own guilty intentions (for example how people say dogs can sense evil or bad people the dog barking shows a deeper meaning)   In the following scene she seen the man that she hit in the store he also on his forehead has a similar read mark/ bruise from the crash. The girl deciding to dress up in a long trench coat and shades to hid her appearance building the suspense is very appealing to the genre. 

    •    Common Editing in your genre; The editing and the cut scene transition in the beginning from the character who caused the accident to the injured person in the accident (from this we can feel the build up and the contemplation of the character and there rash decision)   Into the new scene the author chose to use  black out screen and fade in to show the character in their home.  Again the third scene began with a transition of a black out screen into a fade in (not necessarily only demonstrated in thriller but it does add to the build up the short film fitting to the genre in itself)  The close up and shot reverse of the girl and the dog barking ( shows the intensity of the scene, though there's no dialogue and the dogs owner is holding the dog back you feel as though  the dog is speaking to the girl like its a reflection of her own feelings)    In new scenes the girl almost looks seen through as times passes, and flickers when somethings brings her back to the accident. Ad she continues to remember the accident and does nothing about it the more she fades.

    •    Example films of your genre; 

    •       The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 

    •       Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, 

    •      The Woman in the Window, 

    •    What elements of the genre that you like?   I like the sound sin the film, not only was i able to perceive the characters and the film from the acting and characters body language  but the shift in sounds as well. AS the sound intensified, I was able to characterize that something suspense would happen. There was no dialogue but the author still added sounds of her uneasy breathing and eating to slightly show she was by herself in this situation with no one to confined in. 

    •    What elements of the genre do not appeal to you? 

There was nothing in particular about the short film that disinterested me but the concept of her fading away slowing from the guilt was something that was cool but not the most interesting to me. Overall, the theme of he film contrasted greatly with the genre.

Good Intentions (Short 2018) - IMDb


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