Filming Blog: Almost there

   Hi everyone! It’s Natalie, and in today’s blog, we are going do be discussing us FINALLY FILMING. So with that being said to start of it was for sure a very memorable and fun experience . We start off by filming the scenes where Stella wouldn't need to be covered in blood because e'd look crazy filming in barns and nobles like that. The first scenes we filmed I doing so were the scenes we had between Isa and Rin. So that was the outside scenes where Rin would be honking towards the house and Isa running towards the car. Which then lead us to filming the car scenes as we had to drive to Barnes and Nobles eventually. Which took as a couple times as we had to measure the distance we had Rin drive and the right time to raise the music that was on queue. Which Rin and I chose to be Boys don't cry by the cure. So with that we went odd to barnes and nobles. I shot a scene of Isa and Rin walking in and then lead to Isa filming a jump scare since with Isa. And here we we made sure to be in the murder/thriller section of the books just for a cool little hint for the audience and I had them pick up thriller/horror books. Which Stella and Isa had the same kind and Rin having a complete different one. Which was an important incorporation to the film. So after that I filmed them as in Isa and Rin walking towards and into the car. Which later the next and final scene together was in the car where Rin was dropping her off home.Which incorporated filing the fast switching between the girls' dialogue. Which I felt was phenomenal approach to do that scene. And for the last and most scariest scene about after an hour of us placing all the props and placing the fake blood on Stella the filming process was almost complete. We heading towards the side of my house where all the fake blood was set and filed starting with a tilt and following the bloody footsteps we placed. And after the final shot of both the girls the filming process was complete. Only thing left was to clean up and especially the blood that were on the girls which took a bit of time to do. Well that’s all for right now. Thanks for listening in till next time!

One of pavillions - Picture of Lake Seminole Park - Tripadvisor


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