Movie Research Blog: Saw X

Hey blog! I will be doing a research analysis on "Saw X". This is the last movie of the saw series which is known for its horrific special effects that leaves the viewer feeling squeamish. Starting off, the lighting in multiple parts of this movie is dim and tinted yellow or blue. The tinted lighting gives a rustic edgy feeling to the horror movies leaving an eerie visual for the watcher. The movie uses action matching to show the mastermind behind the movie planning his machines on a blank sheet of paper with a pencil. Action matching helps to highlight important scenes in the movie. In this scene we are seeing how John Kramer plans his machines. Throughout the movie we get to see different unique props and puzzles used, most of them being metal and rustic looking, These puzzles connect to the special effects in the movie and go hand in hand with the gore, horror aspect. The machines being shown while the person acts in panic and hysteria adds an eerie anticipation for the viewer. In this movie the acting of the victims is very sporadic and paranoid. Thus, this acting being portrayed helps the reader adopt a paranoid feeling as well waiting to see if the victim will get out. This movie has a lot of dirty makeup and costume detail. The characters looks sweaty and dirty, many will have dried blood on them. This shows that they are uncomfortable and creates a uncomfortable feeling for the viewer as well. Some conventions I find distasteful about this film are its copious amounts of zoom ins. I understand this convention creates importance on the thing being zoomed in on and its essential to bring minor details to the viewers attention. Yet i think the zoom ins are overdone and very fast, this leaves the viewer very overwhelmed and can easily lead to a key detail being missed due to a blink or a tiny distraction. Another one would be its extremely sped up scenes where it will spin around a character speeding up the film as they struggle to get out of the trap they were put in. It is simply very ugly to me, I find it immature for watching someone being murdered. Some conventions I do like is the sound motifs this film carries. It creates a very squeamish sight to see someone stomp around and scream or you hear the mutilation while the character cries. I truly think the sound motifs in saw make it as horrifying as it is today due to the realistic acting. I also really like the lighting in "Saw X". The use of blue or yellow tinted lighting. Both of these lighting colors in horror are associated with corpses and death, this often creates a very un nerving feeling for the viewer. It also creates some amazing grungy visuals that are only specific to the horror genre. Thats all for Saw X, Thank you for reading! 

Saw X's Twist Ending and Mid-Credits Scene, Explained


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