Movie Research Blog: The Meg

 Hey guys! I will be doing a research analysis on "The Meg". This is a movie about a prehistoric creature found by a group of researchers that is very deadly and hostile. Starting off, in many scenes the lighting will be red to represent danger. Red is commonly known as a darker lighting, this color conserves power under emergency. The lighting will also flash which results in a feeling of panic for the viewer. The film features a lot of over the shoulder shots. Most of the over the shots are from the shark itself and or the researchers struggling to figure out how to get out of the situations they are put in. The over the shoulder shots give a rough perspective to what the person is doing in front of them or what they are looking at.

There are many motion tracking shots showing where the shark is going. The high speeds the shark is going with the motion tracking create anxiety for the viewer. The viewer can see that the shark is getting closer to where the characters are which also helps with anticipation. There are many establishing shots which show the setting of the movie. The establishing shots also foreshadow the destruction of the setting.

Diegetic sound plays a great part in the movie. The sound of the desolate water which plays a white noise with bubbles which quickly gets interrupted by loud motion like sounds creates a jump-scare for the viewer. Some conventions I dislike are the zoom out shots taken. I feel like the movie has many weird editing quirks that don't add to the horror aspect at all, yet it just shows glorified shots of the characters moving. I also don't like the use of slow motion to save one of the characters. Slow motion just makes the movie seem more dramatic then scary. What I do like about this movie is the heavy amount of action matching, it shows shots preemptively before they happen and when they happen from many angles. I feel like this shows different jump-scares and shows the horror truly pursue throughout the scene. Thank you for reading! See you soon!

Meg 2: The Trench review: a shark movie drowned in stupidity - Polygon


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