Group Blog: Who am I working with?

 Hi everybody it's Natalie. Now with having the experience I did with working with a group for the last project which was the music video. Ive come to terms that I'd like to work alone on the final task. The reason being surrounds the fact I feel as if this project requires a really planned out execution and I feel as if I already have something in mind. And I feel as if I can handle making the project come to life on my own and within all the other aspects I already have a somewhat solid idea. This project has a lot of aspects where it involves decision making constantly so I feel with just myself as we'll it'd be a bunch more easier.  As well as gathering things like the actors especially and with them willing to participate is a big thing that is needed in the move. And sometimes people can see other people in different way, in a different perspective which is not the easiest to work with. As well as finding the destination to film I feel with doing it myself it can be a lot easier due to how I can make the locations and the time when it will be best to film due to my circumstances. As well as gathering props finding the things I personally like for the movie. What I feel emotionally matches the movie. So like I said before I am beyond the moon to start this new project and can't way to see what it has in store. Thanks for listening and til next time!

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