Production Blog

 Hey guys, it's Natalie. In today's blog we're going to be going over the process I am currently going through which is choosing the videos and pictures I have found. After going through my parents old disposable camera, Canons and old pictures/videos they have already saved from their phone. There was been some pretty good candidates for the commercial and for sure some embarrassing ones I hope to never see again. But, towards videos the ones I am leaning towards using contains things that I can say I thoroughly still enjoy. Like the videos of me cooking with my mom, drawing and painting and going to some football and baseball games with my dad. Very meaningful memories to me that have helped shaped me into the person I am today. Also, with that being said I had the idea of trying to find videos of me now doing similar things to try and give the viewer a really heartfelt feeling watching as I basically grow up before their eyes. When it comes to finding the right pictures to use for this project I have found so so many but the one is am leaning towards the most are ones with my family members and pictures as to where you can see my kind of in the middle of something. Showing me in some kind of action and like the videos showing things I loved and adored as a child. I have also found some physical pictures like polaroids and such as to where I will upload and scan them in a way so I can access them digitally. The overall experience of gathering everything it has given me a very sedimental feeling looking back at all those memories and what not and I am enjoying the experience. That's all for now. Till next time!

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